
Downtown Dundee

St. John's Lutheran Church

Volunteer Fire Department

Backbone State Park and Beach

Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)



A confirmation class reunion and open house was held at the EWALU Stone Center for all confirmands, past and present members. An open house was held to renew old acquaintances and visit with former pastors and members.

Inside view of the church showing the banner made by the Sunday School. The banner was displayed over the altar in the church after the first centennial observance and has remained there all year.

Picture of some of the former pastors who attended the event. Back row: Paul Nordstrom, Kevin Frey, Kenneth Gamb, Charles Ager and Ronald Spears. Front row: Paul Matthias, Albert Hock, Ralph Marquardt, and Howard Wolfgram.

Cake was served after the 2:00 p.m. anniversary celebration.

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This page created by Dundee's own
Lisa Guenther-Rhoades

Last Modified: 07/04/21